Web Databases Registry entry
Specifies a list of tables that receive input from web interfaces.

This entry is used by systems that are running web interfaces which allow input into registration tables. The entry defines which tables store records submitted over the web. It is used to remove some standard menu options and to add some options specific to web databases.
This Registry entry is assigned at the system level only:
Key | System |
Key 1 | System |
Key 2 | Setting |
Key 3 | Web Databases |
Value | table;table;... |

System | Setting | Web Databases | table;table;... |
table;table;... | is a semicolon separated list of table names. |
This entry specifies ewebdeaths and ewebmarriages as databases receiving web input:
Key | Setting |
Key 1 | System |
Key 2 | Setting |
Key 3 | Web Databases |
Value | ewebdeaths;ewebmarriages |